Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find a list of our most common frequently asked questions. If you should have additional questions; please feel free to contact us anytime.

3D captures a static image, whereas 4D/HD/5D introduces the element of motion, making it resemble a video. HD/5D represents the cutting-edge in fetal keepsake ultrasound technology. This advanced method enables the viewing of intricate details of the baby through software that adjusts focus and simulates different lighting conditions in the ultrasound imagery.

3D, 4D/HD, and 5D ultrasounds operate at the same frequency as the standard 2D ultrasounds commonly used by doctors. Ultrasound technology has been in use for more than four decades, and the FDA states that when used correctly, there have been no confirmed adverse effects.

We do not accept insurance as this procedure is elective and not covered by insurance plans.

The ideal timing for your ultrasound visits largely depends on what details you wish to observe. Many expectant mothers opt for two visits: the first between 15-26 weeks for a full view of the baby, and a second between 25-34 weeks for a clearer view of the baby's face. As the baby gains more fat and facial definition between 28 and 32 weeks, this period can be particularly rewarding for detailed imagery. Beyond 34 weeks, capturing clear images can be challenging due to limited space, though we've successfully captured great images up to 39 weeks, as every baby differs.

Starting at 15+ weeks, we can accurately identify the baby's gender. If you're beyond 15 weeks and we're unable to determine the gender due to the baby's positioning, we offer a complimentary rescan. You'll be invited back for a follow-up appointment on a weekday within the next 14 days at no extra charge.

Many physicians advise sustaining a good level of hydration, particularly during pregnancy. Adequate water consumption helps maintain clear and sufficient amniotic fluid levels. Various factors beyond the sonographer's control, such as the baby's positioning, the mother's skin type and body structure, and the volume of amniotic fluid, can impact the ultrasound's clarity.

Ensure you're well-hydrated by drinking ample water in the days leading up to your ultrasound appointment, as this can help in achieving clear amniotic fluid. Drinking fruit juice about 30 minutes prior to your 3D/4D/5D ultrasound scan may help your baby to be more active during the session, providing better images, unless advised otherwise by your healthcare provider.

The duration of your ultrasound session can vary from 10 to 25 minutes, based on the package you choose. We also invite you to explore our studio where you'll find gender reveal products and heartbeat animals, enhancing your overall experience with us!

Absolutely! We warmly welcome you to bring friends and family along to share in this memorable occasion. Children are also encouraged to join!

Since this procedure is elective, we do not reach out to your doctor before the scan. However, we do require that you are receiving prenatal care. If you have any health concerns, it's important to consult your doctor. Please note that our ultrasound technicians are not authorized to make diagnoses and will not offer medical advice.

While we often succeed in capturing high-quality images, there are occasions when it might not be possible. Challenges can arise if the baby is positioned with its face down towards the mother's spine or is lying against the placenta. The ability to obtain clear images varies with each baby, influenced by factors such as the baby's gestational age, position, the amount of amniotic fluid, and the mother's condition. Rest assured, we are committed to making every effort to secure the best possible images of any visible parts of the baby.

The quality of your ultrasound images is primarily determined by the fetal position. Some babies are perfectly positioned for viewing, allowing us to capture excellent images. However, others may turn away, nestle close to the placenta or the uterine wall, or frequently place their hands and feet in front of their face. We'll make every effort to encourage your baby to move so we can see and capture clear images of their face. Consuming juice or a small amount of candy on the day of your ultrasound could help stimulate some movement from the baby (unless your doctor advises against this).

Staying hydrated is key to enhancing your ultrasound images. It's recommended to start increasing your water intake at least a week prior to your appointment. Adequate hydration can significantly improve the clarity and quality of your ultrasound results.

Ensuring the highest quality images of your baby and your complete satisfaction is our utmost priority. To achieve this, we utilize state-of-the-art ultrasound technology. However, it's important to note that several external factors can influence the results of your ultrasound, including the placenta's position, the volume of amniotic fluid around your baby, the clarity of this fluid, the baby's position, and the general conditions within the fetal environment. If these factors prevent us from determining your baby's gender or capturing clear 3D/4D/HD/5D images during your initial visit, we will invite you to schedule a follow-up appointment within the next 14 days at no additional cost to you.

The breech position occurs when the baby's head is positioned at the top of your uterus and their feet are pointing downwards. If you are aware that your baby is in a breech position before your 3D/4D ultrasound appointment, we recommend postponing your session for a few weeks to give your baby more time to turn into the head-down position. While it is possible to capture quality images with breech babies, the chances are higher and more favorable when the baby is head down. Nevertheless, some babies may remain in the breech position late into the pregnancy or may not turn at all. In such cases, you are still welcome to proceed with your 3D/4D/HD/5D ultrasound. With an adequate amount of amniotic fluid, we are optimistic about obtaining good images regardless of the baby's position.

Being overweight should not deter you from scheduling a 4D/5D elective ultrasound. However, we do recommend waiting until after 30 weeks of pregnancy. This delay allows your baby to develop a fuller facial appearance, which can enhance the quality of the images. For individuals who are overweight, it's crucial to have a significantly high level of amniotic fluid to achieve clear visuals of the baby. By adhering to the recommended water intake in the weeks before your appointment, you should be able to obtain excellent images. There's no reason to miss out on this wonderful opportunity to see your baby with clarity!
Pregnant woman

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